The 2021 meeting of the Rabbit Ears Village Association members will be conducted Sunday August 15th at 11AM Mountain Standard Time via Zoom Meeting. You may attend this meeting using your telephone or computer (with or without video access).
Join Zoom Meeting Online: Meeting ID: 811 1284 1368 Passcode: 261524 Call In: +1 669 900 6833 US Meeting ID: 811 1284 1368 Passcode: 261524 |
Please sign in to the meeting early, as we plan to begin promptly at 11AM, and need to confirm a quorum prior to discussing association business.
The purpose of the annual meeting is to elect new board members, discuss the Association’s financial status, report on current and upcoming projects, and conduct any other appropriate business in accordance with our by-laws. Your presence at this meeting is very important to ensure a proper quorum for voting on Association business. |